Artist : Humble Pie
Date : 1973-06-23
Venue : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Lineage : SBD
Quality : EX
Songs :
1. Four Day Creep
2. Stone cold Fever
3. C'mon Everybody
4. I Don't Need No Doctor
1973/06/23の録音とありますが、本当なのでしょうか。なぜなら1973/06/23はライブを行なっていないからです。1973年だとするとPhiladelphiaのライブは5/25になるのですが、まだ疑問があります。この年に"Stone Cold Fever"を演奏したのか。また"I Don't Need No DoctorにてBlackBerries"の歌声がまったく聞こえないのです。
Philadelphiaでライブを行ったのは、1971/12/11または1972/9/25のどちらかになります。放送された曲順に演奏されたと仮定して、"I Don't Need No Doctor"で歌うようにMCが行われていること(1971年でのライブではアンコール曲として通常の口調で曲紹介をしている)を加味して、ここでは1972/09/25のライブと結論付けたいところです。冒頭のバンド紹介でもwelcome backと言われているので…。いまいち自信が無いのは演奏のテンポが1972年にしては速いからなのです。
聞きものは"Stone Cold Fever"です。Steveのギター、ハープ、そしてボーカルという八面六臂の活躍。それに負けないDaveのワウワウギター、Gregのベースも冴えています。
"C'mon Everybody"での疾走感もこの音源のハイライトです。というかこの音源は必聴なのですよね、音質、演奏の質が高いので。
"I Don't Need No Doctor"での自由なメロディにいろいろと変化をつけるSteveのボーカルが楽しめます。Gregのベースソロも楽しめます。途中でRolling Stonesの"Jumpin Jack Flash"のリフが弾かれるところも楽しいです。
----- Latest Information ----
Humble Pie - June 23, 1973 (SBD - from Liberated Bootleg "Live In 1981 & 1973" - 27 Minutes Long) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
This recording comes from a 2005 download (thanks to whoever, THX!!!), but these are not those original files.
There is a chance that this was previously uploaded by mikeferrigan, as he blessed us with some great HPie previously.
There was no mention in the text file who shared, but again, whoever did it is very much appreciated!! THX!!!
This was received in a download that included some 1981 tracks, coupled on a Liberated Bootleg release.
Those 1981 tracks have been removed, but a master version of those tracks are available at:
Also that download was of TAO ("Track At Once", 2 second gaps between tracks, etc.) burning, & I have edited out the silent tracks to have a smooth transition.
There is no artwork included here, but I'd really like to receive them if available, otherwise I'll keep hunting the 'net for 'em.
Also when this was previously offered, hopboy made a remark that the "Route 66" Liberated Bootleg (I do not have) contains these same tracks along with the 1981 tracks.
I'm always looking for upgrades, alternate sources, & uncirculated Humble Pie shows.
If you have any of those, please share or get them to someone that can do so.
Humble Pie .... June 23, 1973
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Taper, & Taping Gear: ??Unknown??
Source: "SBD" - from Liberated Bootleg "Live In 1981 & 1973"
Lineage: "SBD" 2005 Download: cdr> eac> flac files> Burned to audio disc (Nero) Trade CDR> 2012 DAE (wav) EAC (secure mode)> CD Wave & WaveJoiner (removing TAO & other blanks spaces & some pops, etc.)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Mastering: (minor/little) JAJ (roryglzep) by removing blank spaces & a few pops, etc.
Quality: ex-
Length: 4 track = 26:15 minutes
Artwork: none.
Samples: none.
Set List:
01 - Four Day Creep
02 - Stone cold Fever
03 - C'mon Everybody
04 - I Don't Need No Doctor
I have very little info on this cd, but it's a good Rocker,,, Steve Marriott was greatly under-rated..
I'm sure the first part of this set was around '81.
It's the reformed Humble Pie with ex-Jeff Beck vocalist Bobby Tench and appearances of "Route 66" and "Tulsa Time", in the set to appeal to U.S. audiences ..........
I believe the last 4 Tracks are Philadelphia 6-23-73.
Sorry no Art, or real info,,, any info would be helpful.. Little Stevie Marriott, There was no Better....
This is to be cranked up !!!!!!!!!
Support the artists: Buy the officially released items, etc.
Prepared by Jeff James (
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29f693ef9a1f4628f098645666989555 HPie1973-06-23SBD(boot)T02.flac
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86a36af6d43a0a7d6ad63c00a18073be HPie1973-06-23SBD(boot)T04.flac